Management is clearly a discipline you need to be born for. The most important habits you need to have for it is instinct, empathy, discipline and intuition. At least that’s what I think personally.

During the pandemic, I worked a lot from home. I did not really like it because there was a lot of distraction and I have the habit to dive into a world, where I really only am in the task I work at the moment. When I am distracted, I have hard times to come back to the point where I left. I become angry and start cursing. The distraction was clearly very big because my girls were also forced to stay at home. A challenging situation.

Now I really enjoy to work in the office again. But sometimes I stay at home. Actually today I realised something I have to appreciate and be thankful for. Because the best manager I know is my wife. Why? I will tell you in a short list:

I could go on and on. And please make sure you understand this correctly: this is repeating every day! It requires to have a very strict schedule with no big changes possible. No holidays. No chance of being ill. That means a lot of discipline, instinct, intuition and empathy. So what is the difference between her and my job? Her’s is really much harder!

I can’t say in words how much I appreciate what she is doing! And we all should make sure to appreciate what all wife’s and mothers are doing for us and their childern. We have to thank them a billion times!

My wife Verena

I love you!