Our product from Digital Blast where I work as the CTO. We aim to revolutionize the content creator market.
Go to Fanblast

sum.cumo - where I worked from January 2014 till May 2022 as the head of development.
Go to sum.cumo

KRX url shortener
A little pet project written in Ruby and based on Sinatra. There is no JavaScript library used and shows what simplicity means.
Go to KRX.pw

Apache CouchDB
Apache CouchDB is a NoSQL database with powerful features. First and foremost a powerful HTTP API, replication over HTTP and the ability to use a cluster.
Go to couchdb.apache.org

Das Praxisbuch für Entwickler und Adminis- tratoren.
I wrote the book together with Till Klampäckel in 2011.

PostgreSQL 8.4
Installation, Grundlagen Praxis und alles über die Administration.
I wrote the book together with Thomas Pfeiffer in 2009.

Andy the Musican
I play guitar since I am 12. I love music and do it for my whole life because it is a part of myself. During 1994 to 2004 I was in the music buisness with my band Skeletor.
Listen to my music